Monday 8 May 2017

Broga Hill

February 2017

Started off as our usual hike at Broga Hill. We started hiking at almost 8.00 am but fortunately it was raining the night before so the weather was pleasant for a short hike like this.

View towards the adjacent area 

Even though there is a new trek, we still prefer the old trek to Broga peak, there's a 'cakap2' about this RM1 charges here but I don't mind paying as long as it's safer for my family and covered with trees.

Via the old trek

After half and hour, we need to STOP,...simply because of the amazing view of awan karpet. For hikers, it is like a bonus when you hike and experience to see this kind of clouds. We really enjoyed it.

Look at was a bit cold which made the hiking experience great for kids

View towards the new trek covered with clouds..isn't it lovely

Yeah..finally at 9.22am we arrived at the Broga Peak, should arrived earlier but we stop many times just to look at the clouds. This is his I think fourth or fifth time here. 
Bunga senduduk..common plants in this area

On the way, it was already sunny but not too hot like usual. There were not many people along the old trek which make the journey calmer..not crowded like last year where we depend on only one trek up and down. At least we have a choice now.

The trailhead is located at the rubber tree plantation, and the coconut shake stall is a must place to visit. Hadif was exploring the area, looking for its fruits on the ground.

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