Monday 8 May 2017

Daypack Hiking Trip

Location : Gunung Tok Wan
Pax: 2 person

Preparation is important whether for short hike, day pack and of coz for long distance hike where you need to prepare extra attire and gear, from hiking stuff to ration.
For this 5 hours hike and in tropical country with high humidity, we brought along these items;

Hiking pole
Hiking shoes
Poncho - the weather is unpredictable now
3 mineral water
Bun, chocolate and energy bar
Raisins, date, dried fruits
Sunblock..anyway..I am already burn from many trips this year
First Aid Kit..a must..even if you are not injured, you can help others
Sketch book and pen for me
Face towel
Lipstick..important yeahh..

My normal packing list

I've seen people who take for granted all this item, maybe they are thinking that this is just a hill..or just a short hike,,but hey we never knew what will happen. So, its better be safe than sorry.

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